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This dataset presents number of dwelling units and value of buildings approved annually from 2014\u201315 to 2022\u201323 by Local Government Areas (LGA), 2022<\/a>. <\/p>\n\n

The monthly Building Approvals (BAPS)<\/a> collection collects data relating to residential and non-residential building work above certain value limits that have been approved within the reference month. Data from this collection is an important leading economic indicator of future building activity. It also provides the sampling framework for the quarterly Building Activity Survey, which is a major contributor to the quarterly National Accounts estimates. <\/p>\n\n

Building Approval statistics are used extensively by both public and private sector organisations to monitor economic activity, employment and investment. <\/p>\n\n

Please note, the Building Approvals data from financial years 2014-15 to 2015-16 was originally published using the 2011 version of the ASGS boundaries. A small number of buildings approved during this period had lower quality address information. This may result in minor deviations from previously published state totals. <\/p>\n\n

Made possible by the Digital Atlas of Australia<\/b>
The Digital Atlas of Australia<\/a> is an Australian Government initiative being led by Geoscience Australia. It will bring together trusted datasets from across government in an interactive, secure, and easy-to-use geospatial platform. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is working in partnership with Geoscience Australia to establish a set of web services to make ABS data available in the Digital Atlas. <\/p>\n\t\n

Contact the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) <\/b>
If you have questions, feedback or would like to receive updates about this web service, please email
geography@abs.gov.au<\/a>. For information about how the ABS manages any personal information you provide view the ABS privacy policy<\/a>.<\/p>

Data and geography references <\/b>
Source data publication:
Building Approvals, Australia<\/a>
Geographic boundary information:
Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3<\/a>
Further information:
Building Approvals, Australia methodology<\/a>
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