{ "culture": "en-AU", "name": "ASGS_2021_UCL_Pop", "guid": "E8F674C9-FF10-4AA5-AB3C-1F2A7CE55F3A", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Spatial Boundaries for Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3 Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs) with Population counts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS): Census of Population and Housing 2021.", "description": "
Edition 3 Urban Centres and Localities<\/a> are designed for the analysis of statistical data, in particular data from the Census of Population and Housing. The criteria for inclusion, such as minimum population sizes, enables users to access cross classified Census data without limiting the usability of the associated data.<\/div>

UCLs are not an official definition of towns. There are many small towns with populations that do not meet the criteria that are not included as UCLs. These small towns and other urban areas are represented by State Government Gazetted Localities. The ABS provides Census data on these localities through the Suburbs and Localities<\/a> (SAL) which are part of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3: Non ABS Structures.<\/a><\/div>", "summary": "Spatial Boundaries for Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3 Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs) with Population counts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS): Census of Population and Housing 2021.", "title": "ASGS Edition 3 UCL - Population", "tags": [ "UCL", "Urban Centre and Locality", "Urban Centre", "ASGS 2021", "ASGS" ], "type": "Feature Service", "typeKeywords": [ "ArcGIS", "ArcGIS Server", "Data", "Feature Access", "Feature Service", "providerSDS", "Service" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ 96.8169413900001, -43.7405095999999 ], [ 167.998035, -9.14217597999993 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "GCS_GDA_1994", "accessInformation": "Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)\nwww.abs.gov.au", "licenseInfo": "

© Commonwealth of Australia<\/p>

The Commonwealth owns the copyright in all material produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968<\/a>, and those explicitly granted below, all other rights are reserved. All material presented on this website is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0<\/a> International license, with the exception of:<\/p>
