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snippet: Selected ABS social and economic data for 2021 Local Government Areas (LGA).
summary: Selected ABS social and economic data for 2021 Local Government Areas (LGA).
extent: [[96.8169516300001,-43.7404965699999],[167.99803924,-9.14216251999994]]
accessInformation: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Feature Access","Feature Service","providerSDS","Service"]
description: <p>This dataset presents selected ABS social and economic data provided as part of the Australian Climate Service (ACS). This data will support better response, relief and recovery to disasters by helping the ACS and its customers better understand the climate and natural hazard exposure and vulnerability characteristics of people, businesses and households.</p> <p>Data is provided for the latest year available as at April 2024, for 2021 Local Government Areas (LGA) - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), Edition 3.</p> <p>An excel spreadsheet (<a href="" target="_blank">About the data.xlsx</a>) has been provided with labels and descriptions for each of the data items to assist with interpretation. Links to the source publications are also provided in the spreadsheet. The plain English labels in the spreadsheet may differ slightly from labels in the source publications.</p> <p>A word document (<a href="" target="_blank">Decision tree.docx</a>) has also been provided to guide users to appropriately source ABS data available through ABS products such as this dataset, and non-ABS products such as the Australian Exposure Information Platform (AEIP) - Geoscience Australia.</p> <p><b>Data considerations</b><br> Data is sourced from a wide variety of collections, both ABS and non-ABS. When analysing the data, care needs to be taken as time periods, definitions, methodologies, scope, and coverage can differ across collections.</p> <p>Data values have been randomly adjusted or suppressed to avoid the release of confidential data. In some cases, small cells have been randomly altered to zero. Care should be taken when interpreting cells with small numbers or zeros, including percentages and rates that are derived from cells with small numbers.</p> <p>Some data values have been converted from one geographical boundary to another in order align to the 2021 LGA boundaries provided.</p> <p>Blank data cells can be real zeros (or rounded to zero), or data that is not available.</p> <p><b>Contact the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)</b><br> If you have questions, feedback or would like to receive updates about this web service, please email <a href=""target="_blank"></a>. For information about how the ABS manages any personal information you provide view the <a href=""target="_blank">ABS privacy policy</a>.</p> <p><b>Data and geography references </b> <br> Main source data publications: <a href="" target="_blank">Data by region</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">2021 Census</a> <br> Geographic boundary information: <a href="" target="_blank">Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3</a> <br> Further information: <a href="" target="_blank">Data by region methodology</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Guide to Census data</a> <br> Sources: <a href=""target="_blank">Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)</a>, <a href=""target="_blank">Productivity Commission (PC)</a>, <a href=""target="_blank">Department of Social Services (DSS)</a>, and the <a href=""target="_blank">Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW)</a></p> </div>
licenseInfo: <p>Copyright and creative commons of CC BY 4.0: <a href="" target="_blank">Website privacy, copyright and disclaimer ABS copyright</a> <br /> Legal Authority: <a href="" target="_blank">Census and Statistics Act 1905</a> <br /> Security Classification: Official <br /> No sensitive data <br /> Source data is retained in National Archives </p>
title: LGA_ABS_SEIFACS_2024_Apr
type: Feature Service
tags: ["ABS","Australian Bureau of Statistics","ACS","Australian Climate Service","Local Government Areas","LGA","Exposure","Vulnerability","Social","Economic"]
culture: en-AU
name: LGA_ABS_SEIFACS_2024_Apr
guid: 8369C53B-8549-4F49-8587-F0E74F0BADDE
minScale: 0
spatialReference: GDA2020